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Semi Metallic vs Ceramic Brake Pads [Which is Best for Your Car?]

This guide will explain semi-metallic vs. ceramic brake pads and which is better for you.

What are the components of a brake pad?

A brake pad’s primary job is usually to convert kinetic energy into thermal energy. Yet before knowing the types of brake pads, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the following components.

Friction Block

In particular, it approaches the brake disc or rotor to slow it down. Likewise, friction blocks consist of a combination of fillers, lubricants, abrasives, powders, and fibers held together by a binder resin.

Most importantly, the pad’s material hugely determines the brake pad’s performance.


It commonly requires more resin to effectively bind the friction block to the backing plate. Most brake pads might have a sensor known as a squealer that produces a squealing sound upon wearing.

Through this, the user gets to know whether the friction material is in good condition or not.


A braking system produces considerable heat. Hence, the adhesive must be fully resistant to heat. In addition, it must be robust enough to slab the friction block towards the backing plate, especially in extremely adverse conditions.

Backing Plate

A backing plate is the brake pad’s fundamental component. It is made of steel and offers uniform clamping pressure alongside the friction block while the brake system is in use.


The shim helps reduce the vibration and noise from the backing plate towards the brake calipers.

Types of Braking Pads

Earlier, the friction material over the brake pads was made using asbestos, which was more heat-resistant, durable, and affordable.

Despite its great features, asbestos still has a downside. Likewise, it was not eco-friendly, resulting in health and environmental issues.

Because of this, several new types of friction materials have emerged. However, brake pads are not all similar; they vary according to the friction material and performance intensity.

Due to this fact, one cannot solely determine the front-runner amongst the semi-metallic vs. ceramic brake pads. Below are the diverse types of braking pads available in the market.

Organic Brake Pads

Organic brake pads were considered a good replacement for asbestos pads. They are also popular as NAO or non-asbestos organic.

Such pads are made using Kevlar, rubber, fiber, carbon, and glass or a combination of all these blended with resin to stick together. Besides, organic pads are inexpensive, so most manufacturers prefer them.

Furthermore, the organic pads are gentle, noise-free, and softer on the brake system, making them more suitable for regular on-road commutation.

However, organic pads have disadvantages, such as wearing down more rapidly than their other counterparts in the segment.

In addition, organic pads generate brake dust, which can be quite inconvenient at times. In this case, one must apply more pressure on the brake pedal.

Semi-Metallic Brake Pads

If you enjoy off-road driving, only semi-metallic brake pads crafted specifically for extreme driving conditions will meet your requirements.

Likewise, such pads contain more copper, steel, iron, and other metals. They are long-lasting and can easily withstand heat-related damage.

The semi-metallic brake pads also provide excellent stoppage power while driving.

Another good thing to consider about these pads is that they perform well in all temperatures. Moreover, they have exceptional heat-absorbing capabilities, which keep the brake system cool.

However, the semi-metallic pads function aggressively, causing wear on the brake rotors. They are also noisy and generate a substantial amount of brake dust.

These pads are the optimal choice for those who require reliability during sudden brakes or are towing heavy cargo. Yet before concluding which one is better amongst the semi-metallic vs. ceramic brake pads, let us analyze the latter too.

Ceramic Brake Pads

Ceramic brake pads are more expensive than the other ones in the segment. However, they are noise-free and ultra-durable, making them ideal for long-term use.

They are also made with ceramic materials and copper fibers. Most importantly, the ceramic pads offer maximum stability in various temperatures.

Another impressive aspect is that they produce an insignificant amount of brake dust. Ceramic pads offer a firm grip on the brake pedal but are placid on the braking system.

The downside of ceramic pads is that they are not very efficient at absorbing heat. Because of this, they might not perform consistently well in extremely hot or cold weather.

Consequently, it can also lead to excessive wear of the braking system. Overall, ceramic pads are recommendable for comfortable and disruption-free regular driving.

Assessing Semi-Metallic vs Ceramic Brake Pads

Each brake pad, whether semi-metallic or ceramic, has distinct properties, usage, and specialty. Hence, the best selection will vary according to the user’s requirements, preferences, and budget.

Yet, if you want to choose between semi-metallic and ceramic brake pads, consider the following comparisons.


Semi-metallic pads are apt for outdoor enthusiasts who frequently indulge in off-road expeditions. Likewise, these pads offer great support while driving over bumpy surfaces or rough terrain.

On the contrary, ceramic brake pads are more suitable for regular on-road driving. So, if you are an adventure lover, go with the semi-metallic ones for safety assurance and reliability.


In terms of durability, both the semi-metallic and ceramic brake pads deliver impressive results.

However, the latter is longer-lasting than the semi-metallic brake pads. Still, ceramic pads are not made for higher-intensity usage.


Build-up-wise, the composition of the semi-metallic brake pads contains steel, iron, and copper, among other metals. At the same time, the ceramic brake pads are engineered with copper fibers alongside ceramic materials.

Though the semi-metallic brake pads are more robust than the ceramic ones, they tend to wear due to aggressive usage.

Stoppage Power

Stopping power efficiency is one of the most important determinants when evaluating semi-metallic vs. ceramic brake pads. Generally, semi-metallic brake pads are more versatile and offer an exceptional braking response.

Nevertheless, ceramic brake pads also have satisfactory stoppage capabilities; they are not good at facilitating sudden power breaks.


Emphasizing the performance, semi-metallic brake pads are made for heavy-duty usage. These provide better friction, which allows the user to experience braking reliability even in adverse conditions. Coming onto the ceramic brake pads are meant for light-duty usage.

As a result, they perform well only on regular roads and not bumpy ones. Semi-metallic brake pads are perfect for long off-road drives, while ceramic brake pads are ideal for daily commutation.


When prioritizing your necessities, picking the best between semi-metallic and ceramic brake pads becomes easy. Comfort refers to fewer disturbances while you drive. Likewise, ceramic brake pads are less noisy than semi-metallic ones.

Thus, the former creates little or no disruptions during the drive. If comfort is your foremost priority, go for ceramic brake pads. Yet, if you need performance-oriented brake pads, look no further than semi-metallic ones.


When in use, brake pads usually produce brake dust. However, the intensity of this dust might depend upon the type of brake pad and its functioning.

Likewise, the ceramic brake pads generate negligible brake dust, so the user will spend less time on maintenance.

The semi-metallic brake pads produce a noticeable amount of brake dust. Hence, they require more cleaning and maintenance to stay in good condition.

Heat Resistance

If the braking system gets excessively overheated, the components will tend to wear out. The brake pads must absorb the heat and cool the system down.

That is why heat resistance is an essential factor when comparing semi-metallic vs ceramic brake pads.

Generally, the semi-metallic brake pads conduct heat properly, thus leading to effective heat absorption. Eventually, it aids in keeping the brake system cooler and increases the longevity of prolonged use.

Besides, ceramic materials act more as insulators rather than conductors. Due to this, the ceramic brake pads might not absorb heat completely in an extremely hot climate.


Ceramic brake pads are the costliest in the market. Their manufacturing cost is also high.

Meanwhile, semi-metallic brake pads are available at budget-friendly prices. As a user, consider your monetary limitations and compare the features with the utility of brake pads to make a wise choice.


Which brake pads are not suitable for cold weather?

Commonly, ceramic brake pads contain fewer cold bites than semi-metallic ones. As a consequence, they are unable to perform efficiently in cold weather. If you are driving in cold temperatures, it is advisable to go for semi-metallic brake pads.

What is a cold bite?

Cold bite refers to the intensity of the friction level when the brake pads are cool. A brake pad with higher cold bite capabilities will work more efficiently in cold weather.

What is a hot bite, and what is the maximum operating temperature (MOT)?

Hot bite measures friction level when the brake pads are warmer or overheated. The maximum operating temperature (MOT) is the optimal temperature at which a brake pad can operate before becoming unsafe or out of use.

How do you know if the brake pads are worn out?

When the brake pads are worn out, they screech or vibrate. They also do not function smoothly, so one might apply extra pressure to stop or slow down the car.


After reviewing the information above, you can choose between semi-metallic and ceramic brake pads. Undoubtedly, both brake pads serve their purpose.

As a user, you must determine the features and functionality your car’s brake system needs. Only get top-notch quality brake pads to experience optimum comfort and safety while driving.

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